Crosstalk means to interrupt or directly respond to the shares of other members.Ī meeting is not a place to meet sexual partners, nor is it group therapy. In our meetings we do not engage in crosstalk. We address our sharing to the whole group, not to one or more individuals. We also use the words “I” instead of “you” when sharing about our recovery. to say, “No, thank you,” and to set physical boundaries for your own sense of safety and well-being. Sex Addicts Anonymous, Second Edition, “Because of the nature of our addiction, we are careful about touching or giving hugs to others in the fellowship without permission.” Graphic language, body part descriptions, and references to places we acted out are discouraged. In our meetings, sharing focuses on our sobriety and our new life in recovery.

Examples of items that would be inappropriate: hot pants, short shorts (including skimpy running shorts), miniskirts, halter tops and bare midriffs, low-cut blouses, shorts without underwear, and bra-less knit tops. We suggest that members use discretion in their attire, and do not wear risqué, seductive, and/or skimpy clothing. As part of this, we try to insure that our meetings are safe places where we can find refuge, solace, support, and healing without being distracted by bare skin. No texting or taking of photographs during the meeting.Īs men and women in recovery we are dedicated to a program that supports maintaining healthy boundaries.

Please silence all cell phone, pagers, and beepers during the meeting. A meeting is NOT a place to meet sexual partners.